Operator of the Website, Publisher and Media Owner

Österreichische Bundesfinanzierungsagentur (OeBFA) – Austrian Treasury
Seilerstätte 24, 1010 Vienna
Phone +43 1 5122511-0
Fax +43 1 5139994
Commercial Registry Number: FN 35060i, Commercial Court of Vienna
LEI Code (Republic of Austria): 529900QWWUI4XRVR7I03

Corporate Purpose

The Austrian Treasury is acting in the name and for the account of the Republic of Austria. Its responsibilities include issuing Austrian government debt, managing the federal government debt portfolio and acting as the central liquidity manager of the federal government. The legal basis for the activities of the Austrian Treasury is the Austrian Federal Financing Act (Federal Law Gazette No. 763/1992, as amended).

Corporate Bodies

Ownership Structure
100% Republic of Austria (Bund), acting through the Minister of Finance

Executive Board
Mag. (FH) Markus Stix, Mag. Walter Jöstl

Board of Directors
Dr. Nadine Wiedermann-Ondrej, MIM (CEMS) (Chair)
MMag. Peter Part (Deputy Chair)
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Stefan Pichler
Mag. Alfred Lejsek
Mag. Birgit Kuras
Robert Hach (employee representative)
Mag. Sabine Denk, CFA (employee representative)
DI Roland Kapl (employee representative)
Basic Nature of the Medium

The purpose of the website of the Austrian Treasury is the information about products in connection with the debt management of the Republic of Austria. Such information does not constitute an offer in a legal sense.


The Austrian Treasury reserves the right to change or amend the information provided without prior notification.


All rights reserved. The contents and structure of the Austrian Treasury’s web presence are protected by copyright. Reproduction of texts, portions of text, information, data and image material, including storage and usage on optical and electronic media, is only allowed as agreed by contract or with the prior consent of the Austria Treasury. The use of data, including the insertion of this data into online services, databases or websites by unauthorised third persons is prohibited.


The information on the website of the Austrian Treasury is continuously checked to ensure it is up to date, complete and correct. Despite all diligence it is possible for errors to occur or for content to have changed in the meantime. The Austrian Treasury is therefore unable to guarantee that the information on the website of the Austrian Treasury is up to date, complete and correct and the Austrian Treasury does not accept any liability for loss and/or damage resulting from the direct or indirect use of this website. The information contained in this website or related documents is for informational purposes only and does not represent any form of legal or investment advice.


The Austrian Treasury does not check websites that can be accessed via the website of the Austrian Treasury (links) in terms of their content or lawfulness. The Austrian Treasury has no influence over the design of these websites and distances itself explicitly from any, possibly unlawful, content presented there. The creation of links to these websites is at the user’s own risk. The Austrian Treasury does not accept any liability for the content of these websites.

Image Rights

Österreichische Bundesfinanzierungsagentur (Austrian Treasury)
Seilerstätte 24, 1010 Wien