Federal government debt including currency swaps in Mil. EUR

(in Mil. EUR)
as of 31.12.2023 Increase Decrease as of 31.08.2024
Bond debt 270,823 44,735 38,611 276,948
as of
     Government Bonds 249,427 39,240 17,090 271,577
     Federal Obligations 435 0 0 435
     Treasury Certificates 20,961 5,495 21,520 4,935
Loans 12,429 1,483 3,970 9,943
TOTAL 283,252 46,218 42,580 286,890
as of        
     EUR 283,252 46,218 42,580 286,890
     foreign currency 0 0 0 0
(in Mil. EUR)
Short-term (1 year) 46,583     24,084
Medium-term (1 - 5 years) 89,326     101,469
Long-term (5+ years) 147,344     161,337
AVERAGE TERM TO MATURITY (years) 11.07     11.83
(in % p.a.)
Effective Interest Rate 1.79     1.83

In its annual Public Finance Report, the Fiscal Advisory Council provides information about Austria’s deficit and debt performance and the sustainability of its debt management.

The main results on Austria`s fiscal stance are published in English. The full report is available only in German. The statistical annex (especially A8 to A11) contains tables on debt servicing costs, structure of federal government debt by type of debt and federal foreign currency debt.